I get the benefit of working in pairs for programming and other IT projects. I am beginning to explore working with another on tasks I traditionally have done alone.
git diff --check checks for whitespace, run before committing
using as contributer and integrator (maintainter) roles
simplest example: 2 devs clone, one pushes changes, next merges those then pushes
chapter 4 notes
on the server
your remote repo is bare, no working directory; just .git
local network: git clone /path or git clone file:///path
ssh: git clone ssh://user@server:project.git or git clone user@server:project.git
(assumes ssh, assumes current user)
git: fast but no authentication, complex to setup
http: git clone http://example.com/gitproject.git
I don't know about you, but using scp/pscp with Putty on Windows is always an eye-gouging experience. It's really what made me decide to setup a Linux computer. But I like Windows! So here's how I upload files our servers.
I have liked Good Magazine since before they were anchored to Starbuck's home page. I remember using it as a jumping off point for a few different websites almost 3 years ago. It's a great mix of content, design, and lots of charts. I sense there is a backlash against infographics, but I think anything that faithfully represents data in a compelling fashion is good.
git branch testing: new branch called testing
-v adds last commit
--merged shows branches merged into your currently checked out branch
--no-merged shows unmerged branches
Can't git branch -d (delete) unmerged branch without -D confirmation
git checkout testing: switches to that branch
git checkout master: switch back
git checkout -b iss53: create branch and switch to it
work needs to be committed before switching
We have been working on our client onboarding process. You can probably look at each item and figure out what pain point I am trying to address. The biggest part of this process is managing client expectations: explaining why it is in their best interest that we don’t start working ticket the minute we shake hands. I have it roughly broken down into these steps:
There are no chapter one notes.
.gitignore can have rules:
# a comment - this is ignored
*.a # no .a files
!lib.a # but do track lib.a, even though you're ignoring .a files above
/TODO # only ignore the root TODO file, not subdir/TODO
build/ # ignore all files in the build/ directory
doc/*.txt # ignore doc/notes.txt, but not doc/server/arch.txt
git diff shows changes not yet staged
git diff --cached or --staged shows staged but not committed
git commit -a -m 'comment'
Articles like this: "Big Data's Big Problem" make me mental. I have loved data analysis before Data Mining and Big Data became constant Linkedin feed fodder. I would really have to think about making such a big pivot, but working in SAS, hadoop, strata, etc. would be a blast.
Have some local files:
Locally create a repo, git init.
Create remote: ssh://scottco@
Stage via "git add ." all those, commit. Ok, that works.
ssh onto remote server:
scottco@scottlawrencemassey.com [~]# cd public_html