We have been working on our client onboarding process. You can probably look at each item and figure out what pain point I am trying to address. The biggest part of this process is managing client expectations: explaining why it is in their best interest that we don’t start working ticket the minute we shake hands. I have it roughly broken down into these steps:
- Information Gather: Get all the access info we need at one time.
- QA Test Criteria: How can our QA tell when the site is working? This is about collecting user cases we can put into selenium
- Update Process: Are we doing updates? How often, who gets notified, etc.
- Development Process: Are we the sole developers? If not, we either need to put in a release driven process with git process or just send a feature and let the client handle it.
- Site Health Check: Run site analysis, code and server review
- Task Assessment: Finally discuss in detail what the client wants to do
Internal Onboarding is next: Accounting/HR/Sysadmin: Add into systems, decide lead dev