Gearing up for Drupalcamp Phoenix, GLADCamp, Midcamp. I am working up a new session on project management, which may be ~con-worthy. I vow to make them fun, challenging, and learn 10 things from each trip. Travel season begins...
Sound Opinions reviews the new Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album. When I was 30 I all but stopped playing music, because I though I was too old. Apparently, no one told Cave that. Lesson learned.
So Corona's parent company (including Negro Modelo, Pacifico) resists the price increases that Anheuser-Busch sets and Miller generally conforms with (collusion?). This has increased their brands' market share. So with the underperformance of Bud Lime (how could that have failed?), AB looks to buy a controlling share of Modelo (AB owns 50% already, which seems odd to be threataned by a company you have that much equity in). But the DOJ is thinking anti-competitiveness. As for the millions of micro-beers?
Cool under pressure, a contrarian, yet completely comfortable changing his opinion. On Hannity and Colmes, he made everyone look silly. His story on the Moth reminded me how brilliant he was. The title is Mistaken Divinity, an excerpt of the even more excellently named show: Mentor, Tormentor, Progenitor. He was someone who faced his opposition in debate so often he was comfortable and unflinching.
It would be hard to listen to This American Life's two part series on Harper High School, found here and here, and still feel that teachers and school administrators don't care, are all incompetant union sluggards, or don't make a difference.
I was looking at my Linkedin dash and saw this teaser for an Infrastructure Project Manager job in Lake Forest, Il:
When I was project managing, if I was in the code, there was a problem. Now even moreso, I have little to add as a developer, little that I can do better than others on my team. Make no mistake, I get shit done, just not that. Same thing here in the *AAS world, if I am not removing roadblocks, or developing workflow, or helping to set client expectations, I am not serving my company best. It is tempting to get in the middle of it, but it's a mistake.
I am reading Good to Great. I don't care so much for business motivational books, but this is especially well written. The author describes great leaders as not having the "cult of personality" often associated with these stories. One guy said something like, "I have spent my life making sure I was qualified for the job." The one character trait that keeps coming up of is humility.
Clear civi cache: /civicrm/menu/rebuild&reset=1
Send all scheduled queue: /civicrm/mailing/queue&reset=1
Field Glossary (from here):
Chapter 6 notes
git show enterfirstfewshahere
add branch to show
git show HEAD^ shows parent
git log master..experiment shows all commits on exp not on master
git log ^refA refB all commits from multiple braches not on master
git log master...exp all commites reachable by either not both
-i for many commands starts interactive mode
you can use this to patch or stage parts of files you have changed