git branch testing: new branch called testing
-v adds last commit
--merged shows branches merged into your currently checked out branch
--no-merged shows unmerged branches
Can't git branch -d (delete) unmerged branch without -D confirmation
git checkout testing: switches to that branch
git checkout master: switch back
git checkout -b iss53: create branch and switch to it
work needs to be committed before switching
to merge: go to master (or target branch) then merge branch into that branch
git checkout master
git merge hotfix
git branch -d hotfix: delete branch now that it is merged
(yep, merging doesn't merge everything, you still have the branch)
HEAD is like a pointer showing where you are on the commit/branch path
Merge conflicts:
GIT pauses; you can check status to see files needing resolution.
You go to the files and see:
Checked out code
Merging in code
Choose which you want or replace all. Add, commit and try again.
mergetool is graphical helper.
Remote Branches
If you clone, git calls this origin, points to master branch. Hence name: origin/master. This is a remote branch.
You also get your own master (local branch) to work off of.
Development can move ahead on the remote branch. To sync:
git fetch origin gets branches, but doesn't merge them. You do that:
git merge remote/branch (ex. origin/serverfix)
or, if you just want a working copy of the remote branch (they are read only)
git checkout -b alias remote/branch creates a new branch and moves into it. This new branch is a tracking branch, which allows you to push and pull to the remote branch. You can set this up for any branch.
git remote add alias_name path/to/repo.git adds a remote
git push remote remote_branch
git push origin :branch_to_delete deletes a remote branch
This is similar to merging but does it via a series of commits from the common ancestor of the branch, rather than a single code update. Allows for multiple branches to be committed in series. Replays commits.
This allows for skipping over a branch still in development.
git rebase --onto target_branch_to_replay_commits_to branch_to_skip_over (common ancestor) branch_to_replay_commits_from
Do not rebase commits that you have pushed to a public repository.