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Field Glossary (from here):
- Activity: fields that may be assigned to all activities or to a specific activity type, such as Meeting or Phone Call.
- Addresses: creates an address block, which allows the administrator to create additional fields related to an address.
- Contacts: fields that may be assigned to all contacts.
- Contributions: fields that may be assigned to all contributions or to a specific contribution type, such as Donations or Event Fees.
- Events: fields that may be assigned to all events or a specific event type (e.g., Conference or Fundraiser). These fields are applied to an actual event, not the participant registration record.
- Grants: fields specific to grants.
- Groups: displayed in the Group settings (note that these fields are not searchable).
- Household: fields specific to the Household contact type.
- Individual: fields specific to the Individual contact type.
- Memberships: fields that may be assigned to all membership records or to a specific membership type.
- Organization: fields specific to the Organization contact type.
- Participants: fields that appear on the participant registration record. There are three options forĀ these: general fields applied to all registration records, role-type fields assigned to a specific participant role, and event participant fields assigned to a specific event.
- Pledges: fields specific to pledges.
- Relationships: fields that may be assigned to all relationship records or to a specific relationship type, such as "Spouse of" or "Employee of".