...in all countdowns. 6 days of school. 2 weeks in Japan (14 days). 3 tests. 3 days of work.
I have all my shippable belongings almost ready to go. My 2 guitars, some clothes, etc. I think I'll be able to make it to Chicago with only a duffle bag, computer bag, and a carry-on. Tomorrow, I will take the boxes to be shipped.
As usual, I feel like my Japanese is about to turn a corner. I guess it's a circular path though. It's always turning a slow curve. But things are getting easier to express, and Japanese people tend to understand me more.
Next week I will cancel my cell phone contract. For any Americans, the process is a little different than in the States. In Japan, you call and say, "I'd like to cancel my contract". Then they say, "OK, thanks. It's canceled." No $200 "There is nothing you can do about this" charge. You don't realize how much easier life is, in certain ways, until you live somewhere else.