Barack and Biden. So now you know what to do in November. In the meantime, why not learn about Japanese politics with some fine analysis here.
Better yet, if you want something really terrifying, here's a page of Japanese horror mp3's and videos. You can even choose the fear level!
The Just Bento site author/chef extraordinaire has another site that focuses on non-Bento Japanese and Japanese style food. I learned from her that butter and soy sauce make anything taste good.
Does 2channel make your head spin like me? This blog summarized posts into articles, sorting out the chaos of that strange land. It's not always pretty, but it's great reading practice.
And my recent favorite. Take a speech or anything you've written in Japanese, and run it through here to see what it would look like in Samaurai (武士語), Kansai Ben, Okinawa Ben, Business, Yankee, and others.
Back in school tomorrow. Have a great week!!