The place where I took my first Japanese lessons asked me if I will be taking lessons there when they start, in a few weeks. I am sort of torn about going there, because I am unsure about how they teach. The woman who will be my teacher is adorable and about 75 years old, so I am always polite and respectful. But all I really want is conversation practice. I am reticent to ask if the class speaks English, or if we will be using Japanese for Busy People (yuk). It's a tiny operation, and if I don't go I will feel bad.
Plus I am really digging the JLPT study, and I am starting to believe that I might have a chance at passing. If not, it's a great level-up thing. The verbs! The 「完全マスター」books are meant to be prep guides for the JLPT, but I would recommend them to anyone wanting to learn some intermediate Japanese.