It is rare to be born a human, to hear the Dharma, to learn from the Buddha, to understand his teachings, and to take the actions to achieve liberation. So the Buddha tells us to set a goal, to taste the results of ascetic practice, taste the results of hearing and understanding the Dharma, and taste liberation.
Two lines jump out at me. "Those who are stirred by things that are truly stirring are few." Stir. Are the things that are truly stirring just true reality? The notes and some searching online imply that there are things that move us towards liberation, happening all the time that usually get ignored. These are different than the illusory creations, self, non-self. I'm guessing we are talking about age, sickness and death. Things like that.
The second line I like refers to "those who gain the concentration which makes relinquishment its object." It reminds me that grasping and controlling are the opposite of my goal. Letting go is key.