School is good. I am meeting with one of the schools I want to transfer to, to make sure I am taking the right classes. I dropped the statistics course, because I have a feeling it won't transfer, and I got general bad vibes about the class. The rest of the classes are good.
The job is strange. It's a family that has no idea what a family business is. Why am I still doing this? Helping people start there own things. Well,for one thing, because I did the same thing 3 years ago, before Japan. I halfway started a business, and were too scared to pick up the phone. Fear eats the soul, ne. So that's why I have to understand what this guy is dealing with.
Calm down, boy. School is the priority. I started looking for part time jobs where I can speak Japanese. I think that would be ideal. I need to speak Japanese.
Also, I want to take advantage of the best thing about Chicago. People from everywhere live here, and I do nothing but go to their restaurants, like a total booj. I am going to learn every language, one person at a time. I had a conversation with a Bosnian lady at the supermarket, she taught me some Bosnian, but I don't remember. Anyway, we had a good laugh. I love meeting people.